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Mrs. Workman's Classes...

Here are my classes for the 2024-2025 School Year.  Classes at SALT Homeschool Connection will link to their webpage for registration. Make sure to check out the Resources page for some important additional info.  I look forward to having you in my class!

Art  (6th grade - 12th grade)  SALT HC class

Tuesdays at SALT


We are going to have a great year exploring and making art!  The art curriculum will be largely driven by the elements of art and the principles of design.  Because there are so many of these we will likely only get through 1 or 2 in one semester.


As we make artworks, look at art history, discover world cultures, and reflect on personal experiences we will explore the following

“Big Ideas” about art:


How does an artist see?

What can an artist make art about?

What is the language of art? (The elements of art and the principles of design)


  • The Elements of Art = line, value, color, form, shape, space, and texture.

  • The Principles of Design = contrast, rhythm, unity, emphasis, pattern, movement, and balance.

Provenance ep1 poster1d.jpg

Drama & Film Crew

(6th - 12th grade)  SALT HC class

Thursdays at SALT


During this course we will be learning the art of theater.  Our prime objective: to connect with an audience to tell stories.  Lessons will focus on acting skills and working with a group.  We will explore traditional theater, acting for film, improv, and more.  The course will culminate in the production of a short film.  Students will participate in the writing of the script, creation of costumes and props, stage crew tasks (make-up, costuming, equipment set-up, etc.), and of course, acting.  There will be light homework. 

Current Film Series


A space western adventure set in 1989!


2024-2027 Films planned

Episode 1: Genesis Premiere is Sept. 26!


Our Second Film Series     

Winner of multiple awards at the Treasure Coast International Film Festival!

The Marvelous Misadventures of Professor Cogwright


2020-2023 Films

Check Out the Cogwright Series on it's own website! (click the image below)


Our First Film Series

The Incredible Interplanetary Adventures of Lightning Speed


See the 2016 film here Lightning Speed (Episode 1):                                                      

See the 2017 film here Lightning Speed (Episode 2):

See the 2018 film here Lightning Speed (Episode 3):

See the 2019 film here Lightning Speed (Episode 4):

Photography (8th - 12th grade)  SALT HC class

Tuesdays at SALT


During this course we will be learning about the fundamentals of good photography. We will cover topics such as: how a camera works, your camera’s controls, focus, exposure, depth of field, composition, perspective, lighting, how to shoot various subjects (portraits, landscapes,

macro, still-lifes, etc.), and more!


Requirements: your student must have access to a digital or film camera (the more ability to control it’s functions the better) and regular access to our class website where we will share and critique work. If your student will be using a film camera you will be responsible for getting the film developed.  A tripod of some sort is also recommended.

Note for students who have taken my photography class in the past:

Yes, we will be largely repeating the same information from last time, though the projects will not all be the same. These skills take a lifetime to master, so I definitely think the class is


Digital Media (8th - 12th grade)  SALT HC class

*Not offered this year


During this course students will tell stories (fictional and/or documentary) through media while learning basic technical knowledge and skills in digital art making, audio &video production, and other areas.

Requirements: your student must have access to a computer that they can bring to class ond regular access to our class website on Google classroom will be necessary.

Software: there are workable free versions availabe for many of the programs that we will be using (and I will share these with the class as we need them), but it is recommended to have as many of the following programs as possible, as these will be the ones I'll be using:


Presentation Software - Microsoft Powerpoint

Photo Editor - Adobe Photoshop

Video Editing Software - Final Cut Pro (Mac only), Adobe Premiere, or other video editor

Audio Editing Software - Adobe Audition, Garageband (Mac only), Audacity (PC), or other

The One Year Adventure Novel

(9th - 12th grade)  SALT HC class

Tuesdays and Thursdays at SALT


Welcome to Creative Writing with the One Year Adventure Novel!

We're gonna have a lot of fun writing a novel this year! 

I am excited to be working through the One Year Adventure Novel Curriculum with students this year!  I am impressed by all of the writing curriculums produced by Clearwater Press, and the One Year Adventure Novel is their most popular.  I have had the pleasure of enjoying their curriculums, attending their annual Summer Writing Workshop, and even being a presenter for them over the past 5 years.  The One Year Adventure Novel is THE BEST thing out there for learning how to build a successful story.  Check out their website for more info:

A creative writing community is an invaluable resource to writers at any level!

*This class is worth a full English credit!


(9th - 12th grade)  SALT HC class

*Not offered this year


Welcome to Creative Writing with Byline!  YES This counts as an English Credit!

We're gonna have a lot of fun writing as chrono journalists! You will need to have some way to write every Tuesday and Thursday in class. I recommend a laptop, but a notebook and pencil works too. We will be using a google classroom to share work with each other this year, so you will need a gmail account. It will, of course, be easier to share work if it was written on a computer, but we can always scan/photograph written work too.... or you can type it in later at home.

I am excited to be working through theByline Curriculum with students this year!  I am impressed by all of the writing curriculums produced by Clearwater Press, and Byline is a unique and fun way to explore different types of writing with a dash of history.  I have had the pleasure of enjoying their curriculums, attending their annual Summer Writing Workshop, and even being a presenter for them over the past 5 years.  Last year I taught The One Year Adventure Novel (it is THE BEST thing out there for learning how to build a successful story), and I plan to teach Byline and the One Year Adventure Novel every other year to give students a well rounded approach to writing.  Check out their website for more info:

*This class is worth a full English credit!


(6th - 12th grade)  SALT HC class

Tuesdays at SALT

We are going to have a great year learning to sew!  This class will cover the basics of hand sewing as well as machine sewing through a number of fun projects. 

Why take sewing?

1. Sewing is a practical life skill for both boys and girls!

2. Sewing teaches patience.

3. Sewing teaches math concepts.

4. Sewing teaches motor skills.

5. Sewing builds confidence.

6. Sewing instills creativity!


Most tools, materials, and supplies will be provided in class, however, I recommend students have access to sewing supplies/machine at home as well.  If possible, it would be great if students could bring the machine that they use at home to use in class as they will be more likely to succeed if they learn on their own machine.  I realize, however, that this is logistically difficult.  There will be machines available to use in the classroom.  There may also be special sewing projects where students may need/want to purchase their own fabric/supplies.

NOTE: This is a Tuesday class, but if you look at the course schedule, you will see that on Thursdays this same hour I am teaching Film Crew.  Please consider also joining Film Crew where we can put your new-found sewing skills to work in costuming!

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